Throw kindness around like confetti.


Only connect! Uncategorized

Only connect!

Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its h…
Nobody ever dreams Health

Nobody ever dreams

Story from a WaPo writer on May 23, 2022 on what POTUS should say about "the upcoming ruling." "Nobody ever dreams of having an abortion. Not the 16-y…
The best headline ever! Books

The best headline ever!

Woodward Interviews Shallow Throat For years, President Donald Trump and his allies have warned about his adversaries in the “Deep State.” The phrase …
Home Family


Home Upside: My own bed. Kitties greeting me at the door. Air conditioning. Downside: Back to masks. Miles from Maine. Alone. My NoVA g-kids, or you c…