Throw kindness around like confetti.

In recent times

From Lo Fi Samurai comes this:

In recent times
A neo nazi walked into a room of praying people, murdering six of them.
36 million miles away, the mars rover “curiosity” lands.
All of this happens while the world is united in celebrating what the human body is capable of when it healthily competes.
One event is fueled by a limited, hateful, and self serving worldview.
The other two are sustained by worldviews that are open, curious, and infinite.
One sees change, diversity, and progress as threats.
The others see the potential of human cooperation
and the limitless bounty it provides.
You can cut it any way you like, but it really does come down to how you view the world and how that view informs your decisions, guides your direction, and allows or disallows you to connect genuinely with humanity.