Throw kindness around like confetti.

This is my son Matthew

Random thought: A friend of mine posted yesterday asking why we don’t do eulogies for the living. It’s a good question. We really should have some kind of ceremony that is like a pre-funeral, where we tell the living all the stuff we would have said at their funeral. They’re gone. They (likely) can’t hear it. But there’s not really a need for such a ceremony if we’d just try and do this more often on a daily basis, whether on Facebook or in person or on the phone, etc.

My friend was worried that she’d be perceived as fishing for compliments, but tbh, I don’t see anything really wrong with that either. This world can feel really hot/cold and can be a really fucked up place, especially if you’re someone who has a strong sense of empathy, anxiety, or depression. …or you could be none of those things but are just having a bad day. What’s the harm in asking for a little positive feedback? As Michelle McNamara famously said, “it’s chaos, be kind.”

I don’t really do meditation, but about as close as I come these days is I watch a daily clip of either a Fred Rogers speech or a clip from his “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” show before I drift off to sleep. His positive outlook on things and his affirmative nature really speaks to me these days. But I’m kind of to the point in my life where I’m done with hero worship when it just stays in the “worship” front. I’d like to start actually using the lessons I’ve learned over these 41 years to live as good a life as I can.

One Comment

  • Thanks mom! ❤️❤️

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