Throw kindness around like confetti.

Brackets, HipHop and Palm Sunday

One of the really good things about working in Mission Control (a small group of us work on the technical aspects of the Livestream every Sunday morning) at Trinity Pres Church in Herndon, VA is being able to hear really good sermons. And today’s was no exception. In fact, it was exceptional!!

Actually, no matter who stands at the pulpit, or makes music or offers programs to help the world, or at the very least this Northern Virginia community, the good people at Trinity continue to amaze and inspire me.

Palm/Passion Sunday is the start of the holiest of weeks in this faith community. If you’ve never visited the church, you can do so here, via this YouTube recording of the whole church service today:

But what especially brought me to this space was to showcase the liturgical talents of my eldest child, the Reverend MaryAnn McKibben Dana, as she offered up today one of her very best sermons, in my opinion. There was something for everyone in this telling of the days before Jesus’s final week. I’m not alone when I say that this sermon was very well received. I heard it said, when leaving the church today, that she “hit a home run, knocked it out of the park, and, yes, made that game winning 3 pointer to advance in her bracket” with this sermon delivered during Holy Week and coincidentally March Madness.

You can catch her sermon here, if you didn’t take time to watch the whole church service above:

And finally, to see in just 5 minutes or so what makes Rev Dana appreciated by her congregation for her unique and inspiring sermons, you can get a taste of her often popular culture references, not to mention her enormous talent as a “musician/hiphop artist” here (she had me mesmerized!) in this link to a highlight of her sermon today (I won’t forget this awesome moment ever!) :

If you haven’t already visited Rev Dana’s Substack, you should do so right away and if you just can’t get enough of her writing in one sitting, join one of her more than 1,000 subscribers and subscribe to her stack.