Throw kindness around like confetti.

Before/After the Murder in the 60s South

One of the things I miss most during the pandemic are the plays on Broadway. But, thankfully, ‘artists gonna art’ and this theatre group brought me/us a reading of The Jacksonian, a play that was produced on Broadway several seasons ago.

What a wonderful group of actors.

Sure, I didn’t have to hop on the Best Bus and travel up I95, find a room at the Westside Y, and before or after the play, grab a slice and maybe a visit to Red Ink, but as I sat in my easy chair this Sunday morning, I was taken to a place that only the talented actors and playwright can transport me to for a thoughtful and wonderful experience.

Bravo…standing ovation from Upper Georgetown, Washington DC!

Thank you to the New Group for feeding my soul.
Beth Henley, a Jackson MS native, writes the voice of the 60s south.
Each one of these talented actors nailed their part.