Throw kindness around like confetti.

On this day in 1974…

…I had an abortion in Texas, thanks to Roe. I will always remember June 5 1974 as the day my second pregnancy ended. After giving birth to MaryAnn in 1972, Jim and I were anxious to have another child so that MaryAnn would have a sibling. That was important to both us as we had such good relationships with our siblings and found the value of having that kind of relationship in our lives.

In early 1974, and before home pregnancy tests, I missed my period and soon went to my doctor to find that, yes indeed, I was pregnant with our second child. We were both so elated and especially happy for MaryAnn that yes, we could provide her with a brother or sister and they would be the greatest of friends, we imagined.

I had several trips to the doctor and on the second trip, we heard the baby’s heartbeat. What a wonderful sound that is!

But at my appointment in May, the heartbeat was no longer heard. Needless to say, we were devastated. To me, it was like a death. Actually, it was a death.

The doctor sent me home and told me that I would likely miscarry the fetus soon, as I had already started slight spotting.

But that didn’t happen. I carried the dead fetus within me for several weeks, which was traumatic to say the least. In my early June appointment with Dr. Goss, it was determined that I would go into the hospital and have a D & C. We made arrangements for this to happen so that the healing could begin for both Jim and I on losing this child. The date of June 5th came and I checked into the hospital alone and had the procedure. I stayed overnight, feeling as sad as I’ve ever felt in my life.

When Jim picked me up the next day, we talked to family and they encouraged us that we could try again to become pregnant. The doctor told me after this procedure it’s always best to wait at least 6 months to become pregnant We didn’t quite make that as in the fall, I became pregnant again and in mid-May of 1975, Katie was born. Blessed be.

So why am I just now writing this story? As of now, in Texas, I would not have been allowed to have this procedure done as I had passed the 6 weeks threshold that has been set by the legislature and signed by the governor of Texas. I’m not at all sure what hoops I would have to jump through to have the D & C in today’s Texas, but I know that the decision would have involved more that my doctor and Jim and myself. This is a travesty.

We should all hear from the Supreme Court soon about their decision about abortion. It is believethat they will overturn Roe. With my experience alone, I can’t imagine how devastating this will be for women in Texas and across this nation to have the state involved in their healthcare decisions.

Sometimes, an abortion is not the first choice for women. But sometimes, an abortion is the only choice for women. And because of that, it should be a choice for each female in this country and her alone. If she has a supportive partner and access to quality healthcare (please let her have access to quality healthcare), I’m hoping that any decision she makes will not be hampered by a return to 1973, when abortion was illegal, turning this personal decision into a criminal one.