Throw kindness around like confetti.


Christmas 2020, I Imagine

-Sherry waking up early to put the final crimp on the crust of her pie

-Jim, as a child in Colorado, sledding in the snow with his brothers

-330,000 people in this country and more worldwide who are very much alive and celebrating with their families and friends the end of a healthy year

I imagine

-my mother getting up early to dress the turkey she thawed in the kitchen sink overnight

-Gannie, looking in her closet, to find the perfect red outfit to wear for the day

-Homeless people, instead of shivering in the cold, finding shelter and jobs and integrity and meaning for their lives

I imagine

-the cops on the beat, our military soldiers overseas, and all emergency workers working their shift just like it’s another day, but knowing that they are heroes

-people waking up with memories of being with their friends and family on Christmases past

-my father, sitting in his chair at Northaven, reading the Dallas Morning News and waiting to watch the Cowboys in a play off game

I imagine

-Chadwick Bozeman waking up free of cancer, and looking over his many movie offers

-immigrants being welcomed with open arms as they flee violence in their home countries

-people worldwide going today to get a sugar cube laced with the covid vaccine

I imagine

-Republicans and Democrats working together for the good of Americans and not just to cling to power

-clear water and blue skies and California free of forest fires and people in coastal communities getting quick relief after hurricanes and storms

-a Fulmer Family Reunion

I imagine

-people with mental illness, or PTSD, or anxiety, or depression caused by social isolation, having a friend to talk to and a professional helper, free of charge, to walk them through their pain

-my school age grandchildren going back to school, to be with their friends, and resuming their extra curricular activities

-taking the Best Bus to New York for a weekend of theater

I imagine

-a retreat in Maine to knit with close friends

-flying from a visit in Orlando, to a stop in Houston, and a layover in Austin, before heading to LA to celebrate New Year’s Eve before the start of 2021

-all people who should be able to vote being able to make informed honest decisions and then voting in the manner that is best for them

I imagine

-the fun time the Dana family and I will have soon as we look through our Christmas stockings

-the yummy-ness of the cinnamon rolls Margaret made last night and are now in their final stage of proofing before baking

-and finally, for now,

I imagine a year of good health, a year of peace, and a year for me to continue to imagine so I can share my imaginings with you at Christmas time 2021.

~by Jill/Mamala/MaDear/etc.