Throw kindness around like confetti.

Hope-A User’s Manual

From my FB page on August 20, 2022:
Breaking my FB fast to say I’m doing very well. So far, “novid” or rather I have managed to escape the virus. I’m working full time and knitting and reading and theatre-going and music listening. But it’s not all been wonderful over the last 2 years during the social distancing of the pandemic. I’ve felt hopeless at times. Have you also? If so, my daughter MaryAnn McKibben Dana, Author, Speaker, Leadership Coaching has just published a book, a user’s manual, about Hope. I’m taking it a chapter at a time so I can relish it and learn from it. Isn’t that what a user’s manual is for? The first entry suggested writing a hope poem about any or all of some of these prompts.. Here is mine. Share yours with me.
Hope looks like… a pregnant belly.
Hope sounds like… laughter at a wake.
I hope that… hope survives in wartime.
I hope despite… what they tell me.
Hope draws near when… a smile for a stranger is returned.
Hope feels far away when… I spend too much time alone.
And if you are near an indy book seller, please ask them to order you a copy. If not, you can always go here: